Friday, August 27, 2010

Hawaii - Napoli Coast (on Kauai)

This was a 5 hour sailing/snorkeling trip up the Napoli Coast. We started out at 7am with a group of about 40 people on two boats. It was a windy hour and half trip up the coast. The views were incredible! We saw 4 schools of dolphins along the way and tons of flying fish. The cliffs were jaw dropping and there were a handful of waterfalls. We turned around, put up the sails and made our way back to the snorkeling site. We snorkeled for about a half hour where we saw some fish and a turtle. After we got back on the boat we had lunch, drinks and headed back. Unfortunately, Tony and two other girls got sea-sick. But one of the crew feed him a couple rum and cokes and he felt much better.

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